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Monday, March 29, 2010

Zillion Dollar Thinking Compared To What?

The case for the MODELTM System and decision making

Every concept, idea or approach has it’s time and place. Zillion Dollar Thinking could not be considered and evaluated in a more important climate or on a more threatening and pivotal world stage. Let’s see if the following proof bears that out. You decide.

One of the best gauges of authenticity or effectiveness of a subject is to examine it relative to the things around it. From the GOOGLE satellite view, even the world looks small, but as you zoom down to street level you begin to get the feel of relative size of this planet. Point is, when compared to objects that are relative; everything can be examined with more conclusive accuracy. In other words…the MODEL for Intelligent Decision Making TM compared to or relative to what?

The MODELTM System vs. No model

The MODEL in this system applied to intelligent decision making is just that…a model with substance and form. Simply put, you either have a structure, process, platform or model to guide you, or you do not. Extensive research says that generally most people do not. That is not conclusive by itself, but it leads to the problem that is the natural result of not having any tangible system or process to point to…and that is…

"Just A Gut Feeling"

How many times have you witnessed that, when confronted with a reasonably important decision, the conjured response of the individual is “I got a feeling about this one?”

Question? Does that mean that if you “feel good” that day, you will choose positively? Conversely, if you are feeling bad, will you rule negatively on the decision regardless of the analytical, factual or measurable issues that surround the decision?

This is likely the most used, and yet, may be the least reliable decision making mechanism that a thinking person can make…yet it’s practiced a zillion times a day. Question…How could a structured, visual and objective model help guide your decision making compared to abstract and temporary gut feelings? Now, what about this statement…

“I’m too busy to think or consider how I make decisions...I just make them”

Hello….Just look at that sentence. It’s almost laughable when you consider it. Yet, when a reasonable random sampling was collected as research for the book Zillion Dollar ThinkingTM, the same excuse was given time and again. It’s almost like the person who runs the red light with a cell phone to their ear…and when the cop pulls them over…they point to the phone (made me do it) as their excuse of how and why that happened…Same logic?

Here’s the deal…The Universal Communication Device (AKA/SmartPhone) will continue to make it harder for all of us to slow down enough to weigh, analyze and produce a thoughtful decision. So, the more technology squeezes us, the more we will all need a structure or model to keep us on message, analyze and organize our thoughts and then execute on a well reasoned decision.

Becoming too busy to think and decide will never be an alternative or even an excuse (like the cell-phone above) because in the end, we will all have accountability for the decisions we made…or didn’t make. Again, compared to the “too busy” excuse…a simple model and/or technique is a logical alternative…right?

(To Be Continued…)

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