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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Google Search: How Do You Make Decisions?

Results 1 - 10 of about 38,200,000…

As I started to click, the first hit had 10 long steps, no graphic model, not generally user friendly…

The next hit named several complicated and scientific type techniques, e.g.:
Pareto Analysis
Paired Comparison
Analysis Grid PMI
Force Field Analysis
Six Thinking Hats
Stepladder Technique
Cost/Benefit Analysis
Decision Trees

Next hit, another lengthy several-step approach with several side caveats…and, on and on. You get the picture. Check it out with google or any other search engine.

You will find that decision making techniques and systems are all over the place. What is increasing clear is that with the compounding rate and ease of retrival of digital information, it seems that authors feel the need to create more complex and more confounding products. This is a true contridiction of what should be happening. With our information overload, any reliable model or system needs to be hyper-simple and easily understood at most any age or gender.

In order for any system to be effective it should be simple, repeatable, memorable, graphic, transferrable and contain universal applications at the very minimum.

Question? Do you have and do you use a method like that? If not, please refer to the book:

Zillion Dollar Thinking TM

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