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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Deciding in the Rear View Mirror

Could it be that today:

Israel is trying to decide about taking action against their enemies?
Egypt is deciding about regime change?
China is deciding about several world changing events?
Obama is deciding to go to the center?

Because historically:

We decided to elect him two years ago.
We were deciding on hope and change in government.
We were invaded by terrorism under Bush, and he decided to retaliate.
One world government regimes decided to come out of the shadows.
We decided on presidents (often) based on party, popularity and platform.
We decided on a free society based on the wisdom/laws of our forefathers.
We decided that individual liberty was worth dying for.
We decided to connect all the states after several domestic conflicts.
We decided to explore and find what is now called America.
We decided that being free to decide and act was a unique privilege.
After centuries of rulers and oppressions, we decided that individuals count.
After washing the earth, God decided to scatter mankind and nationalities.
When given the choice, Adam and Eve decided to disobey God.

All said, decisions have ruled from the beginning, and they will determine the future. For some, it may take a second glance in the rear view mirror.

You decide.

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