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Monday, July 12, 2010

Decision: Should You Filter Information?

Decision Step Four (of Four): Action

Just think, you can take all the time and effort necessary to develop each of the previous three steps, but not acting on them is worthless. It’s that simple. Action is the gas in the car, the wind in the sails, and the energy of accomplishment.

Please remember, the graphic image of the MODELTM for these four steps is an equilateral triangle with the action step at the top. The graphic quickly shows the time requirement relative to the other steps. It shows that if the first three steps are properly completed, it’s not necessary to “think about,” stall out, or ponder any longer…it’s time to act.

Here’s a post from a business marketing coach who summarizes the lack of action very simply…

In business, it’s impossible to avoid making decisions!

“I regularly speak with small business owners who have left important areas of their business suffering, rather than make a decision and take action. Their concern is that they will make the wrong decision. So, they do nothing at all, which often has serious implications for their business and their future.

What people who avoid making deliberate decisions fail to understand, is that by electing to do nothing, they have actually made a decision. They have decided to sit on their hands again and hope things turn out OK. That’s not much of a strategy. Things don’t just get better by themselves.

In my work, I hear from people all the time, who make the decision to call or email me, rather than continue to struggle. Conversely, I see people complaining about how slow business is, but electing to keep repeating the same marketing errors, rather than make the decision to do take action.
One of the common traits behind every successful businessperson I know is that they make good decisions in a timely manner. They understand that if they avoid making decisions, they surrender control of their business and their future, to others. After all, the actions we take are what determine our success and these actions are governed by our decisions.”

For the full article and author credits:

So, in summary, the action relative to this decision is to execute the written plan with time checkpoints, and remain accountable in the process. Here, we identified a specific topic and the decision connected to it. More importantly, we walked through the four steps of the MODELTM, and how it can be effectively applied to most any decision that comes your way.

Considering your own model…we would welcome your comments.

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