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Friday, May 14, 2010

In the MODEL System , can the original words be substituted when making various decisions?

The four primary words that fill each step of the MODELTM System are: (1) Opportunity, (2) Commitment, (3) Solution and (4) Action.

Each of these words has a meaning as all words do. We’ve been asked if any of these original words can be substituted. And again, the answer is simply…yes but, on the condition that the original meaning is not changed.

To help you out with possible substitutions, here are a number of synonyms for each word:

OPPORTUNITY: Problem; Issue; Challenge; Objective; Circumstance; Event; Chance; Occasion; Opening; Possibility; Event; Situation; Alternative; Decision; Election; Incident; Predicament; Moment; Start; Government; Etc.

COMMITMENT: Obligation; Contract; Agreement; Duty; Guarantee; Must; Need; Pledge; Vow; Warranty; Resolution; Consideration; Charge; Duty; Responsibility; Trust; Covenant; Desire; Etc.

SOLUTION: Consequence; Clarification; Fix; Result; Compound; Blend; Project; Conclusion; Resolution; Decision; Recommendation; Outcome; Determination; Proposition; Proposal; package; Notion; Answer; Creation; Plan; Etc.

ACTION: Closure; Activity; Alert; Business; Motion; Movement; Haste; Response; Work; Spirit; Going; Accomplishment; Execution; Exercise; Fight; Run; Purchase; Etc.

The definition of a synonym is: “a substitute word with the same meaning as the original word.”

The idea here is to demonstrate the fact that the MODELTM System and it’s basic process can transcend the single original descriptive words. But, the MODELTM System elements of the acute triangle, the order, the agreements, time requirements, timing, and delivery is not interchangeable…these elements are the heart and soul of the mechanics of the MODELTM System and should not be altered.

But, to further prove the flexibility of the MODELTM System; as long as the definitions and meanings remain the same…the original words can be interchanged.

Please email me (see the author page) with the code word “zillions” and I will send you a copy of the MODELTM System.

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