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Monday, May 17, 2010

The Big Decision Divide

Because of the sheer volume, one could get surfomania on the subject and techniques of decision making, but at the end, you would probably come to the same conclusion that we did. The universe of this subject is divided about right down the middle, either…to adopt a process or model…or, use no process or model. People seem to swear by one or the other. The only real gauge to the effectiveness of your choice is…your result.

In your research, you will also find some resourceful individuals and organizations who have dedicated their life’s work to this subject. Some of them are actually able to influence us and seriously challenge our positions. Here is one such example:

“I [Norman W. Edmund] was the founder and former CEO of Edmund Scientific Co. in Barrington, NJ for 33 years before beginning my second career as an educational researcher. From this first career I gained practical, real world experience in a wide variety of problem solving and decision making.

In my second career as an education researcher, I have specialized and spent full time for 20 years on problem solving and decision making via the scientific method and on the need to include it more adequately in education. The body of knowledge about problem solving is huge and complex. However, I have tried hard to extract the basic principles of the foundation of problem solving. I acknowledge my indebtedness to our academic community and others who helped accumulated this knowledge. I certify without any legal obligation that my website contains reliable knowledge on problem solving. I also certify that the SM-14 model formula (process) for the steps or stages and ingredients of problem solving presented here is the best ever offered.

"Defective problem solving is the cause of all the disorders in the world."

However, while I like to believe that I am an expert in my area of specialization, there are many features of problem solving that have been made a science or little science. I am not an expert on all of these; I may cover many of them lightly but not in detail. A few examples of these are artificial intelligence, modeling, mathematical problem solving, problem solving games and puzzles, cognitive behavioral psychology, etc.

To promote the use and teaching of the scientific method of problem solving and decision making and to improve good judgment, I proclaim my writing here to be in the public domain. Please link your site to this one to improve the nation's research problem solving, decision making, and good judgment. This will help prevent unnecessary wars, economic bubbles, and other major decision making errors in business, politics, society, and personal lives.”

For more information, contact

Author’s note:
Now that is dedication. And, we would definitely have to classify him on the model and process side of the equation. Stay tuned for more examples to follow.

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