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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Winter Edition “Cut and Paste”

As stated in the Summer Edition of “Cut and Paste” your ZDT author, as a member/contributor of several diverse professional groups, has written several hundred pages of blogs-articles-comments. Here are the updates of the most popular posts moving into the winter months. Collectively, these have received hundreds to thousands of viewers/readers. We are re-posting these in full or in part to highlight the central message of objective decisioning that, hopefully, will be valuable to you and your circles.

Number One in the ZDT Series

Decisioning in a Two-Way Mirror

You think you are facing yourself as a simple reflection only to find that you are being observed as the subject of a two-way mirror.

What’s the point?

The analogy here is that, often when you make a decision, you believe that you are deciding in a vacuum…just you and your decision. But, in this picture, would you make the same decision if you knew you were being monitored, observed and evaluated based on your decisioning process?

Like a guy shaving, it happens almost every day (usually in front of a mirror). And, anything that you do daily can become habitual, routine and automatic. Consequently, you tend to not think or evaluate your process too deeply.

The objective here is to consider a paradigm shift using your mirror as a “trigger.” The next time you look in a mirror while brushing, shaving or whatever…analyze what you are thinking. If it happens to be an idea, decision or solution (like in the shower…where the fresh ideas can come from)…apply this question: “What is my process here?” In this case, imagine that your coach/mentor is behind the glass, and they are challenging your position with the phrase of: “How did you arrive at this decision or this thinking?”

If you are using an objective process, it would be good to become more conscious and deliberate in your app (application). If not already done, write it out. Reason: Make it a more universal app in other decisions and deliberations.

If there is no process, formula or model, this may be the “trigger” to make that change? As SOP (standard operating procedure), our group recommends that the bones of a model include at least these four progressive steps:





Whether you decide to take any of these steps or not, the goal remains the same…creating objectivity. The idea here is to create an additional “trigger” using an item that almost everyone uses every day.

Please consider this mantra: “Thinking through life…One decision at a time.” Simple as that.

As always…you decide.

Number Two in the ZDT Series

Call Reluctance Phobias and Cures

Everyone who prospects in the selling business will experience call reluctance from time to time. Although there are several reasons, many experts say the primary ones can be broken down into two distinct categories: repeated failure and repeated rejection.

Repeated Failure

Atychiphobia: Fear of Failure Phobia

The first reason for call reluctance is the fear of repeated failure. This can happen when the salesperson attempts to schedule appointments with the contacts on a prospect list and is repeatedly turned down. When the salesperson continues to fail to schedule the appointment, the next contact becomes harder because of the increasing fear of failure.

Repeated Rejection

Agathoraphobia: Fear of Rejection Phobia (related to)

The second reason for call reluctance is the fear of rejection. When a salesperson calls on a prospect (by phone or in person), they will usually ask a series of probing questions. Often, the prospect may become defensive, negative, or will even cease communicating with the salesperson.

Following that response, many times the salesperson will feel rejected. Even though it is the product or service that is the subject of rejection, many salespeople will take it personally. Ultimately, the fear of being rejected may potentially stop the salesperson from prospecting (often ending their career).

Then what?

Way back in the day…I read a book called the Influence of Fear on Salesmen by Frank Budd. I was driven to this and other resources because I moved from being an independent producer to a sales manager.

Oddly enough, I discovered that it was not just me who was struggling with this issue. Many on our team were also experiencing the same problem. And, if I could point to one book and methodology that offered a turning point, it was Budd’s book and his message.

Budd’s antidote to fear boiled down to this: being authentic.

The definition of authenticity: undisputed credibility, genuineness, legitimacy, believability, the quality of being believable or trustworthy.

Enter the “Process”

Following a process methodology is: “Initially you may not trust me…but you may well trust what my process can do for you” (which is a far more objective start). Demonstrating your process will really help to take the focus off of you and your product/service and highlight how you operate beneficially for them. That results in the rejection potential becoming more impartial and far more objective. Your process (MO) can be the major link in proving your authenticity and in lessening your fears.

If You Do Not Have a Process

It would not be too surprising. Even after all these years and a plethora of sales training programs, many do not include the step of demonstrating how you operate to your prospect’s benefit. Consequently, that step will be the first object to be evaluated. If that meets resistance…it’s your option to continue.

If you elect not proceed, walk away, and carry more confidence from having been completely authentic in presenting your factual process to the prospect. Over time, your fears can be replaced with confidence. That may be one of the keys for long term success in the selling business.

And finally, if you would be interested in a template of our process, please email me, and I will send you the “Tale of Two Interviews.”

As always…you decide.

Number Three in the ZDT Series:

The Dangers of Herd Mentality

(Please Forward to Family, Friends, Clients and Others)

Mentalities and Behaviors

The subject of herding is gaining more spotlight by the day. It is the antithesis of organized thought. Years ago, Merrill Lynch adopted the title: “The Thundering Herd” as a bullish position on the economy and a positive spin on the idea of herding. In extreme contrast today, mobs are the product of herding gone wild and out of control. It would benefit us to look at what is driving these herds today.

Herd behavior is generally applied to animals, whereas herd mentality implies a uniquely human phenomenon. Herd mentality implies a fear-based reaction to peer pressure which makes individuals act in a certain order to avoid feeling left behind or left out of the group. Herd mentality is also a part of “mob mentality.”

Further, because of the vast and commanding influence of instant information, sentiment and segmentation, we are subtlety falling into a “herd versus herd” society in America.

From a herd POV (Point Of View), we have Organized Labor vs. Management vs. Government…Democrats vs. Republicans vs. Independents…Denomination vs. Denomination…Race vs. Race…on and on. In essence, we live in an increasingly polarized country in almost every area where herds breed.

The common dominator among these masses is often a herd mentality which is never the most thoughtful or objective direction. In this case, calculated, purposeful and wise decisioning would be just the opposite.

Unfortunately today, it boils down to who can shout down, bully, out craft and/or intimidate the opposing party. And, as the seasons or policy issues get closer to a show down (e.g. elections/decisions), the conflicts seem to get louder and more physical.

Who is feeding this phenomenon, and where is this headed?

By now, it has to be abundantly clear that anyone or any group that is fueling this movement does not have or want your individual thought or critique expressed or attached to their own agenda. That is not what herds are supposed to do. They are amassed to get in line and follow in lock step to whatever and wherever the anointed one or the groups tell them to go…without question.

So, if you are contemplating joining a herd, and your sentiment is: “Just tell me what to do?”(always the easiest direction). If that is you, then please consider this response:


Don’t fall for this continuing trap. Don’t automatically consent. Don’t give up or into a weakened state of vulnerability. Don’t be pressured into a time line of someone’s edict. Don’t be intimidated or blind sided.

These are exactly the conditions where herd mentality thrives, and why herd-masters do not want them spotlighted or even considered as a brand of (not) thinking. That would be counterintuitive to their ultimate purpose. And, you can see how technology and the connectivity of social and industrial media and sites are the perfect instruments to fuel this phenomenon even more dramatically and almost instantly (going viral).

Here’s the deal, we are in the throes of one of the most freedom threatening economic, political and spiritual environments known to man. If there were ever a time to not fall prey to “herds,” it is now.

As always…You decide…(Please).

Biblical Herding Note:

“All we like sheep (herds) have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way…” Isaiah 53:6

A Special Note to our readers:

Please take the time to download our new and free eBook “Decisioning with the MODEL,” from our website and forward it to friends and family during this season. We are entering the most important decisioning climate in our life time…we can all use all the help we can get.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Zillion Dollar Thought

Each square inch on human skin consists of 19 millions cells, 60 hairs, 90 oil glands, 19 feet of blood vessels, 625 sweat glands and 19,000 sensory cells.

From the first person to now…zillions.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Are You Playing to Your Strength?

Q. The volatile economies of today will come and go, but were we made simply to react to economies, or to a higher calling of inspiration and a contribution to our fellow man?
A. There is a fundamental maximum in marketing designated as your (individual and/or corporate) USP...namely Unique Selling Proposition. It's the unique advantage that you bring to the equation that only you can claim.

Yes, we all feel the pressure from the economic news of the day, but do we have to be controlled by it? The selling business is ripe with challenges, but even in all the fray, we are expected to be the goodwill ambassadors for who/what we represent. The bigger challenge is, how is that best done? Most institutions have their mantra ready for you to take to the market. Generally, that is a glowing promotion of the product/service they offer.

Q. Is that not getting old and stale?

A. With all that technology is doing to turn our society into a virtual and artificial community, it would seem that there is another decision to be considered. In this ominous environment, we must not lose the power and uniqueness of our own individual footprint.

In prior posts, we have referred to the classic message of Acres of Diamonds. The premise applies here as well. We can look, search, ponder, dig and/or become frantic or obsessed with what it will take to find our great treasure (or survive in these turbulent markets). All with the same result in this book...the greatest wealth is in our own back yard...right here and now. It is your USP.

It could be that yours is:









And a zillion others...As many as there are individuals.

Point is that whatever our primary gift or talent is, we should identify it, develop it and use it to contribute back to our communities. There is another adage that says “the best way to help yourself is to help others first.”

Regardless of the economy, combining your USP with attitude of contribution is truly playing to your strength, and it is sitting right where you live.

As decide.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Life Decisions: Cyber Searching or Soul Searching?

What’s the difference? Why is it important?

Until a few years ago, these conflicting decisions were hardly considered because we were not yet consumed in a virtual cyber world. Back in the day, our conflicts and choices were often resolved from within ourselves (e.g. soul searched). Today, that stage has been compromised, and because of the louder digital intrusions, it is getting increasingly difficult to hear your own voice deep down.

From the beginning, mankind has had the ability to look deep inside to self examine what may ring true or false. Once the availability of digital search engines became prevalent, a new competition was created.

There are endless (POVs) vantage points of how we could pose and contrast this dilemma, but the “practice of writing” demonstrates how simple (an eloquent) this could be. From a writer/author/communicator’s perspective, here are a few soul searching quotes:

Write from the soul, not from some notion what you think the marketplace wants. The market is fickle; the soul is eternal.”

Jeffrey A. Carver

There is an eternal landscape…a geography of the soul; we search for its outlines all our lives.”

Josephine Hart

But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul.”

Bible Verse

Whatever satisfies the soul is truth.”

Walt Whitman

Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.”

Anne Sexton

Never sell your soul.”

Laura Schlessinger

The wealth of a soul is measured by how much it can feel; its poverty by how little.”

William R. Alger

The one thing in the world, of value, is the active soul.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Now, contrast the whisper of these soul searching quotes with the paradigm shifting volume that has been created in our oppressive and intrusive digital community:

24/7 Availability

Full Mobility/Wireless

Instant Data/Directions/Information/Communication

Data Mining/Artificial Intelligence/Fuzzy Logic/Psycho Graphics

Automatic Capture and Distribution

Endless Research and Archives

Worldwide Exposure and Retrieval

Virtual Recognition

And a zillion more...

ZDT author’s comment:

Another author said that there is a “soul sized vacuum” inside everyone, and we may try to fill that void with just about everything (habits, food/drink, traditions, beliefs, activities, relationships, technology…on and on). But, in the end, that condition will only have one solution (it has to do with eternity). The key here is that the louder the world gets (from cyber to virtual), we should not ignore the most important voice of own our soul searching.

As always…you decide.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The One Thing You Must Do To Guarantee Success

That one thing is: To make a decision.

“Decide right now that you are going to be a highly-paid freelancer and you are going to succeed at your freelance business, no matter what.

Eliminate the thinking that tells you, “I’ll give this a try and see what happens.” Or “I’ll give this a test drive for six months.”

Why? If you haven’t made the decision to succeed at all costs, it’s too easy to quit whenever you hit a “speed bump.” And for some, that bump doesn’t have to be a big one.

Rejection from a prospect, criticism about your writer’s life dream from a family member or friend, or not making as much money as you’d hoped in your first year…all can support your “I’ll give it a try” thinking that says, “this must not be working out, time to quit.”

However, once you’ve firmly decided you are going to live the writer’s life, no matter what, those setbacks become mere hiccups that slow you down from time to time. But, they never stop you, not even for a minute.

Frederick Speakman, a well-known author of illustrated guides to English forests who was a pioneer in childhood environmental education said, "Decisions determine destiny."

So, if you want to guarantee your writer’s life destiny, take a minute today and decide you WILL be a wealthy freelancer, no matter what.

Don’t be like my friend who hasn’t committed to what she’s doing and continues to bounce around like a rubber ball…hoping something will “stick.” You can succeed, if you’ll just decide.”

By Cindy Cyr
For full article and credits:

ZDT author’s comments: This is a very brief, yet efficient, post. Two things:

One: No matter what your goal is, it always comes back to the decision and the determination to make it.

Two: The target here is freelance writing, but why can’t this be applied to most any endeavor or occupation?

Again, our fundamental mission (at Zillion Dollar Thinking) is to consistently present the importance of decisioning in your daily walk and to continue to provide motivations, remedies and solutions in your journey.

As always…you decide.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Posted: 11:11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 11, 2011

Yesterday is history. This day will be, but it has become a numerical icon for a wide variety of events all over the world.


The Associated Press

“From China to New York, place your bets! Tie the knot! Make a wish!”

Friday marks the 11th day of the 11th month of 2011. Around the world, people are celebrating the triple convergence of 11s with a splash.

Some 1,000 ethnic Chinese couples exchanged vows acrossMalaysiaon a date viewed as auspicious and romantic. InChina, a special "1111" train started at 11:11 a.m. on the No. 11 line in Shanghai.

"The numbers rhyme with one husband, one wife and one soul in Chinese and signifies a marriage that would last a lifetime," said nurse Pua Kim Giok, 25, who tied the knot with engineer Lee Chin Siong, 27. They were among 460 couples who got married at the popular TheanHouTempleinKuala Lumpur.

Not everyone is smiling, however.

Egypt's antiquities authority closed the largest of the Great Pyramid of Giza following rumors that groups would try to hold spiritual ceremonies on the site at11:11.

The authority's head Mustafa Amin said in a statement Friday that the pyramid of Khufu, also known as Cheops, would be closed until Saturday morning for "necessary maintenance."

The closure followed a string of unconfirmed reports in local media that unknown groups would try to hold "Jewish" or "Masonic" rites on the site.

In the U.S., the Trump Taj Mahal inAtlantic City, N.J., was planning drawings every 11 minutes for up to $1,111.

InLas Vegas, Clark County Clerk Diana Alba got ready for an onslaught of weddings. She was expecting the number of couples to surpass the crowd on08/08/08and equal the throng on10/10/10. It may not, however, reach the turnout seen onJuly 7, 2007…a date that consists of three lucky sevens.

In Des Moines,Iowa, Dr. Ross Valone, an obstetrician-gynecologist, will refund any fees he collects from delivering babies Friday. InBellevue,Wash., Jason Brown will open his new grocery store at11:11 a.m.

Vikki MacKinnon, a numerologist inCalgary, Ontario, said she expected the day to be a "cosmic wake-up call. Eleven is a number of illumination and enlightenment, a number of insight, blinding flashes of the obvious, and a number of transformation," she said.

The Chinese have always had a fascination with number sequences.

And in a country where ages of first marriages are creeping upward, the 11/11/11 date represents six "bare sticks," a term for bachelors in Chinese.

Full article and Credits:

ZDT Author’s note:

Coincidentally, this is also Veteran’s Day. In all, this could be a significant day for millions of people all over the world. How about you?

Point is, from a decisioning perspective, why not consider this day as a marker to finally make any decision that has been lingering, nagging or perplexing you. Once decided, that could become a relief that could last well beyond the events that will define this day. 11-11-11 could be your memorable day for a completely different reason.

As always…you decide.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What is Your Decisioning Culture?

What Makes Up Your Culture?

Culture is like an individual’s personality. Individually, the personality is made up of the values, beliefs, interests, experiences, upbringing, and habits that create a person's behavior and actions.

Culture is also made up of the values, beliefs, underlying assumptions, attitudes, and behaviors shared by a mixed group of people. That culture is the behavior that results when a group arrives at a set of (generally unspoken and unwritten) rules for working together.

A corporate culture is made up of the life experiences that each employee brings to the workplace. That culture is particularly influenced by the organization's founder, executives, and other managerial staff because of their role in decision making and strategic direction.

How Do You See Culture?

The visual and verbal components of an organization's culture are noticeable every day at work. Whether you are walking through the work area, sitting in an office, attending a meeting, or eating in the lunchroom, the organization's culture surrounds you and permeates your working life and even influences your daily decisioning.

For full article and credits:

From the Culture Club to the Culture of Corruption, culture is a versatile word with applications of several dimensions. Culture can be created, directed, developed, refined, but also destroyed. In all, it takes on a life of its own either consciously or unconsciously.

Point here is that as individuals or as members of a larger corporate, social or other human segment, we have a culture.

Question: With that in mind, would it not be wiser to become more aware and involved in the positive development of your own culture and how it affects your thinking and decisioning…or not?

As always…you decide.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Zillion Dollar Thinking “Cut and Paste”

Summer 2011

Your ZDT author, as a member/contributor of several diverse professional groups has written several hundred pages of blogs-articles-comments. Here are a few of the most popular posts. Collectively, these have received hundreds to thousands of viewers/readers. We are re-posting these in full or in part to highlight the central message that, hopefully, will be valuable to you and your circle.

We intend to make this a quarterly digest based on reader response and commentary…as always, you decide.

Sales Agent or Change Agent?

Which will it be? If you have been in the sales business 6 months or 25 years, the future is certain to have landmines for you and your clientele. You will need to be on offense and defense. Surveillance, intelligence and strategy are your mantras. Leadership as a given. Communication is vital. Sounds like a military position…consider this:

When our military is in a situation of protecting our interest, are they risking their lives for themselves or for a higher cause? A miscalculation would not be a simple mathematical error as with a financial projection. A bad decision could cost them their life. It’s a serious proposition. Do we feel the same weight of responsibility in working with our clients and other professionals?

Question: When you look ahead, do you feel any higher sense of accountability, or will it be business as usual? Will you continue as a sales agent, or will you become a change agent?

How various contributors view change agents

“Being a change agent is as more about identity and character than it is about definitions.”

“A change agent looks as much to the future, as they do the present.” To a certain extent, a change agent is dissatisfied with what they see around them, in favor of a much better vision of the future.

“A change agent is fueled by passion, inspires passion in others and realizes that it will require hard work.” It takes a lot of energy and purpose.

“A change agent has a strong ability to self-motivate.” The change agent needs to find it within themselves to get up every day and go to work and risk being misunderstood and not appreciated, knowing that the real validation may be far in the future and could even be claimed by someone else.

“A change agent serves people.” This kind of change is about people. If you change everything but the people, you will be ineffective as a change agent. Change will really "stick" when people buy-in. In all, change is part sales, part counseling and part encouragement. It's all about the care and feeding of people.

And further, from the HBR authors:

As a change agent, do you see opportunities the competition doesn't see?

The most successful companies don't just out-compete their rivals. They redefine the terms of competition by creating unique ideas in a world of “me-too” thinking.

Do you have new ideas about where to look for new ideas?

Ideas that are routine in one industry can be revolutionary when they move their template to another industry.

Are you the most of anything?

You can't be "pretty good" at everything anymore. You need to be the most of something: e.g. the most affordable, the most accessible, the most elegant, the most colorful, or the most transparent.

Can your customers live without you?

One of the make-or-break challenges for change agents is to become irreplaceable in the eyes of their customers.

Are you consistent in your commitment to be a change agent?

The problem with many organizations is that all they do is change. They lurch from one consulting firm to the next, from the most recent management fad to the newest. Your priorities and practices need to stay consistent in good times and bad to build trust.

Are you learning as fast as the world is changing?

In a world that never stops transforming, change agents can never stop learning. How do you push yourself as an individual to keep growing and evolving, so that your audiences will do the same?

Credits and full article:

HBR Contributor: William C. Taylor is cofounder of Fast Company magazine.

How Rainmakers Make Rain

Definition of Rainmaker: An employee, producer or entrepreneur who creates a remarkable amount of new business for a company or institution. This term is often used in the context of the financial services, marketing/ advertising, and various other industries.

The decision to become a rainmaker is one of choice and not made by accident. Today, that decision can be timely and important given the climate of the economy and the hungry need of business for new sales. The list could be long as to why one would want to (or not) consider this road.

Clearly, the rewards outnumber the liabilities, but rainmakers know nothing in life is achieved without sacrifice [a price] to achieve extraordinary results.

Simply put, rainmakers generally have the following four traits in common.

1. They identify the problems. That means the buyer’s problems, the market’s problems, the economic climate problems, the product and service problems, the competition’s problems…in all; they are keenly sensitive and driven by the need of the problems and what it will take to solve them (even their own).

2. They are world class examples of commitment. In every sense of the word, they are committed to a solid work ethic, committed to integrity, committed to service, committed to excellence, committed to deliver results (even when excuses are common). In all, they are committed to “whatever it takes.”

3. They sell solutions. Products, services, plans, guides, webinars, graphics, books, magazines, mailings, digital apps…etc. are not stand alone objects. They are solutions to a problem. The rainmaker knows how to match the right solution to fit the correctly identified problem (due diligence and suitability). It is truly that simple, but how many really qualify for this rare membership?

4. They are driven into action. They realize that all the fantasies of success in this or any other field will not happen without specific, dedicated and focused action. They know the difference between the activity of the clown with the spinning plates versus closing the deal, collecting the money and leveraging that success to the next one.

In this economy, rainmakers are in hot demand. Their results are their resume.

Additional “Zillion Dollar Thoughts” of Rainmakers:

- They know that it universally costs $420 to make a selling call. They know how many attempts (based on their product/service costs) that will create profitability.
- They dollarize everything.
- They understand the maxim of “penny wise and pound foolish.”
- They are married to a model (a transferable, repeatable and pre-planned format or system).

Are You in a Marketing War?

It would seem that we are quoting the obvious, but today we can’t take anything for granted. We can look at various sectors of our government, industrial, social and religious organizations to find that many of these are not aware of or acknowledge that they are in a war for their very existence.

In Marketing Warfare, Al Ries and Jack Trout (marketing experts) argue that marketing is war and that the marketing concept’s customer-oriented philosophy is inadequate. Rather, firms would do better by becoming competitor-oriented. If the key to success were to introduce products closest to those wanted by customers, then the market leader simply would be the firm that performed the best market research. Clearly, much more is required.

There is much that marketers can learn from military strategy. Ries and Trout tell the story of several famous battles in history that illustrate lessons of warfare. These battles range from Marathon in 490 B.C. when the Greeks used the phalanx to defeat the more numerous Persian invaders, to the Normandy invasion of the Second World War.

The lessons from these famous battles illustrate the strategies of planning, maneuvering, and overpowering the opposing side. These principles are relevant not only to warfare, but also to marketing.

Considering this concept, there are valuable lessons, tactics and decisions that can help business owners weather the economic battlefield they are now facing.

What do many great leaders do when they realize they are going to war, or already in one? First, they determine to fight or flight. Then, if they fight, they have to make some hard decisions. Here are just a few strategic considerations and determinations:

Decide who will be the leader
(Or leaders)

Identify the enemy (or target)
(Have you correctly identified who, what and where they are)

Before you make the commitment…be sure you have counted the cost
(“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it”)

Decide if you will you go it alone or build a team (or an army)
(“There is wisdom in many counselors”)

Distinguish that the objective is either a game or a war
(One is for sport…the other is for keeps)

Consider if you will you seek guidance and/or help
(“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble”)

Establish and communicate written strategic plans (including the SWOT exam)
(The emphasis here is “strategic [offense-defense]” with the goal to win)

Include: Responsibilities-Accountabilities-Actions-Contingencies

In summary, (back to Ries and Trout) they believe in having relatively few people involved in the strategic process. They believe the organization needs a strong marketing “general” to formulate the strategy from the tactical realities. An effective marketing general should have the following characteristics:

Flexibility: To adjust the strategy to the situation
Courage: To make a decision and stand by it
Boldness: To act without hesitation when the time is right
Know the facts: In order to formulate strategy from the ground up
Know the rules: But internalizing them so they can be forgotten

ZDT Question: Is it better to know you are in a war, and plan to win, or to take an “a-kicking” and never realize you were ever in one?

Until next quarter…

Friday, June 10, 2011

Nixon Watch Helps You Make Decisions

Popular watchmaker Nixon has launched a new device called The Genie which not only tells wearers the time on a big, simple face, but helps them to make decisions.

Much like a Magic 8 Ball (please see our ZDT post dated 2-12-10), The Genie has a special 'magic genie' feature which users can turn on in order to receive an answer to their questions. It also has everything else you'd expect from a modern watch including of course the time, date, a stopwatch and LCD display.

It's a cool feature to integrate into a watch, but we'd recommend that you don't depend on it too much to make important decisions for you!

The Genie comes in a range of colors, which we assume makes it acceptable for both men and women, including, purple, black and bright blue.

ZDT Author’s Comment:
This would definitely fall under the subjective category.
I’m still looking for the Dick Tracy watch?

References and Credits:

Thursday, June 9, 2011

From Watergate to Weinergate

If we look carefully at all the various “gates” over the last forty years, we could easily conclude that they all had one subject in common.

The decision.

President Nixon decided to deny, then hide, then cover and then resign.

President Clinton decided to make this statement on national television; “I did not have sex with that woman…Miss Lewinsky.” Somehow he survived, and now treated like a hero.

Rep Weiner (as of 6-09-11), who is now reeling from his original decision to deny his gate, is facing an avalanche of negative sentiment even from his own party. He’s still floating down the river of denial…more to come.

And, these are just a few gates that we can see. Just think of all those we can’t see.

It’s not that any individual couldn’t find themselves square in the middle of a scandal as an accident, but it seems a bit harder to digest when it was a purposeful decision…especially when it’s an elected official.

In many of these cases, they could have stopped the bleeding if they had simply not continued with the false story.

The product of all of this is the matter of trust, and trust cuts both ways. It’s hard to gain, and once lost, even harder to re-gain. That said, we continue to act confounded when these officials act out their fantasies in public, but who put them there?

As a nation, it seems that once we elect these cats, we tend to dose with our watchful eye. Since these thoughtless activities are becoming more frequent, maybe this should be a wakeup call for us (as individuals) to continue our due diligence until they finish their term…outside the gates.

As always…you decide.

Discovery    Commitment    Solution    Action

Monday, June 6, 2011

Zillion Dollar Thinking: News Item

New eBook: Decisioning with the MODEL
Free (Limited Offer)

Please email your request to
with keyword "zillions"

News Extra: New ZDT website to be launched soon...stay tuned

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Zillion Dollar Thinking. A Paradigm Shift.

Definitions and Interpretations

“It incorporates a dramatic change in methodology or practice. It often refers to a major change in thinking and planning, which ultimately changes the way objectives are executed.”

“Think of a Paradigm Shift as a change from one way of thinking to another. It's a revolution, a transformation, a sort of metamorphosis. It does not just happen, but rather it is driven by agents of change (aka “Change Agents” see ZDT Post dated December 31, 2010).”

“It is a major change in the way of thinking about something or doing something. For example, development of the Internet has resulted in a paradigm shift in the way people discover and process information.”

“Your point of view (POV) or your perspective towards a particular thing completely changes in flash of time. That’s a Paradigm shift. For example:

Stephen Covey has the best example of a paradigm shift. The story goes…he was traveling in a subway, a man gets in with his two sons, the sons are running all over the place loud and bothering other people, this continues, so he finally gets irritated enough to ask the father why he doesn't do something to control his kids. The father replies, "We just got back from the hospital where their mother died. I don't know how to handle it and I guess they don't either."

Suddenly you see everything differently…which is the power of a paradigm shift. They are the same kids yelling and screaming in the subway, but you look at them and understand them in a completely different way.”

The Influence of a Paradigm Shift

“The term Paradigm Shift was introduced by Thomas Kuhn in his highly influential landmark book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Kuhn shows how almost every significant breakthrough in the field of scientific endeavor is first a break with tradition, with old ways of thinking, with old paradigms.

Stephen Covey in his book The 7 Habits of highly Effective People reminds us of Ptolemy, the great Egyptian astronomer, who insisted that the earth was the center of the universe. But Copernicus created a Paradigm Shift and a great deal of resistance and persecution as well, by placing the sun at the center. Suddenly, everything took on a different interpretation.

Not all Paradigm Shifts are in positive directions. As we have observed, the shift from the character ethic to the personality ethic has drawn us away from the very roots that nourish true success and happiness.

But whether they shift us in positive or negative directions, whether they are instantaneous or developmental, Paradigm Shifts move us from one way of seeing the world to another and assist our journey towards greatness. And those shifts create powerful change. Our paradigms, correct or incorrect, are the sources of our attitudes and behaviors, and ultimately our relationships with others.

Many people experience a similar fundamental shift in leadership thinking when they face a life-threatening crisis and suddenly see their priorities in a different light, or when they suddenly step into a new role, such as that of husband or wife, parent or grandparent, manager or leader.

However, we need not wait for these moments of crisis. Begin looking for ways of shifting your paradigms of life (decisioning) and benefiting from the results right now.”

Credits and Acknowledgments:

ZDT Author’s Comments:
The purpose of all this is to emphasize the cause and effect of a paradigm shift in the world of decisioning. Collectively in this country, we will have the most critical decisions ahead of us.

Individually, if it takes a major shift in our paradigm to make the best possible decisions, then that is a small price to pay.

As always…you decide.

Just In:
News to Shift Your Paradigm
The week's most popular industry news: Marketing and Advertising

Discovery   Commitment   Solution   Action

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Which is More Important…

Today’s decision, or tomorrow’s decisioning?

It’s like the old analogy:

“Catch them a fish and you may feed them for today…
teach them to fish and they will not go hungry.”

Would this not apply to decisioning? Many of us believe that if we could only get through this one decision (a biggie), then we could relax and kick back only to find that the next one in line was even bigger. Ouch.

Like the fishing parallel, if somehow we were taught effective decisioning, then the process could carry us through this day and the next. A continuing problem is that we have grown (or digressed) into an activity pressured society that hardly allows us the time to learn, re-learn or stay with a subject long enough to create a new MO (modus operandi) or habit.

We would think that that with all of the digital gadgetry at our disposal, this job would get easier. On the contrary, all the technology seems to make the process more confusing because of chocking volumes of conflicting information from all sources.

What’s a body to do?

One remedy…to adopt a simple decisioning process, and then discover the specific information that supports it. The challenging part of this is will be to decide that a process will help you, and then, finding the process to adopt that fits you.

Shortcut: Zillion Dollar Thinking

Since there are several references to the ZDT MODEL in this blog, we won’t bore you with repetition. The main point here is that the four steps of the MODEL point to one real opportunity. The base and first step of the structure is the “due diligence or discovery stage.”

If this step is not properly satisfied, then all the remaining steps will be faulty. So, here is where one could put all the digital information to work in filling this blank. Search engines have gotten very smart and are target data sensitive.

Using digital data discovery (of the facts) makes this process efficient, effective and time saving. We contend that the reason that many people are hesitant to adopt a new process is because they believe that it cannot be done without a huge complicated transition. The solution here is:


The benefits so outweigh the relatively small effort. Go fishing.

As always…you decide.

Discovery   Commitment   Solution   Action

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Zillion Dollar Thought

“One hundred and twenty drops of water are needed to fill a teaspoon…maybe a zillion drops to fill the ocean?”

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Which Came First…the Device or the App?

On the surface, that looks obvious, but in this decisioning process, the designers were definitely living outside the box. They knew that technology breeds technology. They also knew that the devise would be the vehicle, but the apps would be the passengers. They where thinking volume and the law of large numbers.

So, when the final decisioning came due, it was a parallel to the consumable or perishable model of marketing. Tires, toilet paper, light bulbs, fresh food, batteries among a zillion other commodities, need to be refreshed or replaced. Oddly, apps are shifting into this category. How many of us remember life before air conditioning?

Could that be our sentiment in 2020: Life before apps? Who knows, we may be in a virtual society dodging drones (an app for that?).

Consider Today’s News:

“Apple's iTunes App Store team has had its hands full since the marketplace launched in 2008. The process of reviewing, approving, and denying every app that attempts to find its way to the store is undoubtedly a tedious and trying process. That makes today's announcement that the company has approved its 500,000th app a particularly stunning achievement.

App store developer Chillingo, along with app review gurus from 148Apps and Chomp, have put together a massive Facebook infographic detailing the journey to 500,000 apps. The statistical picture, (which you can check out from the attached link), reveals several interesting figures, including the top app store sellers of all time and total value of every app on the store.

Apple's app totals are far and away the largest of any mobile marketplace.”
Question: Could an app tsunami be on the horizon?

Just think…today, one devise…with 500,000 apps (and multiplying). So, which is more valuable…the devise or the apps?

ZDT Author’s Comment:
Where else can this model be applied? Could be your ticket?

You decide.

Discovery   Commitment   Solution   Action

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Wisdom to Change Your Decision

It’s one thing to be deliberate and painstaking in making your original decision. It may be even harder to have to re-decide.

Several things could cause you to re-think your decision. But, ignoring the obvious or not considering the consequences of forging ahead in denial could prove to be a big mistake. Think on these categories:

Personal Character

Let’s suppose that you had exhausted what you believed to be more than adequate due diligence on an individual. And, you were satisfied that you had come to the best conclusion/decision about them. But then…a confession, discovery or revelation surfaces that completely reverses your judgment.

Numerical Miscalculation

As an example, while you are in the discovery phase of attempting to buy a business, you realize that there are volumes of numbers, and therefore loads of opportunity for miscalculations. You or your advisors find errors. Some could be unintentional, but some could be otherwise.

To pursue the transaction without total clarity on either brand of the truth could prove costly, but action must be taken. Re-decision is on the table.

Intentional Misstatements

Some call this dishonesty. Some (in politics) say “misspeaking.” The key word here is intentional. Once you realize that the other party is deliberately lying, the real issue going forward is the seed of doubt that anything being transacted or stated is truthful e.g.“lie in little…lie in much.”

Conversely, when the lying party believes they can be exploiting and continue to get away with it, they seem to know no boundaries. As personally painful as that can be, you realize going forward in that light is truly a waste of time and energy.

Saving Face

How many decisions go unchecked in order for one or both of the parties to avoid humiliation? How costly is saving face? Is thicker skin the real issue?

ZDT Author’s Comments:

Blatant lying, bogus numbers, concealed character flaws or saving embarrassment are but a few of the decisioning traps that can cost you money, relationships or maybe even your life. In all, re-deciding is not to be taken lightly. It’s better to admit to a mistaken conclusion and fix it, than to have to live with it from now on.

Question: How far are you willing to go once the barrier of trust has been broken?

As always…You decide.


Friday, May 20, 2011

You’ve Decided? What about Them?

Chances are, you have already decided on decisioning (especially if you have been following this ZDT Blog). If not, this post may be a “twofer?” The reason this is timely is because of the gravity of the decisions that will need to be made within the next couple of years, and you only have one vote.

That said, like any other center-of-influence movement, it starts with you, but continues all the way out to your full constituency. That is how we leverage our position individually to others (and their vote…and their own constituency...on and on).

But, many times when folks want to get on their soapbox about anything, they do so more out of emotion and bias. If that is true, in order to help you consider a more objective and deliberate approach, here are a couple of steps you may try before you attempt to influence your audience.

Create awareness of the issue with facts. Some call this the due diligence or “homework” phase. The reason this step is vital is because everyone has a device (aka SmartPhone) that allows them to fact-check most anything at anytime. So, if you are not dealing with the facts…you had your shot, and you may as well put the gun back in the closet for another day (and, you are back to one vote).

Once you decide to truly influence your audience, you will need to measure your commitment. You will meet with resistance (sometimes hostility). So, before you fold your tent and limp home, you may be better served by structuring a support group to back you up. They can also serve to keep the encouragement quotient strong while in battle. And yes, they will need the same level of commitment to the cause that you have.

Look for a model. Nothing will move your process and spread your influence faster than having a transferable model that everyone can agree to and uniformly execute on a repeatable basis. A model is also much easier to recruit to (your team). Again, using your digital devise, there are zillions of models to be searched. The key will be to find the simplest, most understandable and compatible structure that will help you communicate the message. The more effective this model is, the wider the capacity to build and influence your audience.

Don’t wait. If the next election of 2012 is one of your targets, it will be here before you can imagine. But conversely, know that those who will be in the hunt are already highly active, with detailed plans, targeted audiences, money, influence, market information…in other words…not haphazard in their preparation. They are ready for the battle. Question is; (if you have seriously made your decision) are you?

All of the above could have cost considerable time just a couple of years ago. But, thanks to social networking sites, countless digital apps, and the blog community, most anyone can be connected and influential with just a few clicks. How hard is that?

Hopefully, this post has motivated or encouraged you to some degree. Could be that you may forward this, as a challenge, to someone you would consider to be in your group. See what happens…just may be the spark.

As always…you decide.

Discovery   Commitment   Solution   Action

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Deciding to Make that Sales Call?

Various responses:

“If I had to pick a round number, I would say that for B2B solution sales the cost is between $200 to $300 per meeting, and higher with air travel, hotel and other expenses.”

“Twenty years ago, I did precisely this exercise as National Sales Manager for a small B2B industrial computer manufacturer. Five sales managers covering the US, making $100K at quota, a year’s worth of data/reports. Result: about $230 per call. Late 90’s (complex control software) the result was over $400 per call.”

“I was asked this question and thought I'd post it here to see if anyone could help with the answer: Do you know what the average cost of a pharma sales call is? I heard a number at HCEA Summit this week of $1800 per call. I replied: I haven't heard numbers that high, more in the $600-$800 range. Maybe if you add free lunch for the staff and/or AWP of samples dropped off, it could be that high.”

Additional Calculations

Now, search it and then average the average, and you will find that the range is about $350 to $450 per call in the last couple of years. One thing is certain; it will be a moving target. A few things will change that dynamic. First, the cost of gas and jet fuel is going through the roof to keep increasing pressure on the cost equation. Next, technology apps, video-conferencing and social networking are changing the game of initial introductions and early qualifications. Additionally, with the increasing cost of maintaining a sales force, more territory and selling calls will need to be covered with fewer sales reps. Not to mention the pressure/cost associated with compliance and product expertise of sales reps in specialty industries…to name a few.

Why is this timely?

The need will not go away: Hard economic decisioning about standardized systems, zero defect planning, buy-in of essential stakeholders, consummate focus, and efficiency (if that weren’t enough)…

ZDT Author’s Comment:

From similar data sources, these stats say it takes 4.08 personal sales calls to close the average sale. So, for averages sake, $400 per call X 4 calls per close equals $1600 to gain the deal. And, that’s breaking even. Now, what is the profit margin and how many deals in the selling year will it take to keep everyone happy?

The reward could be that fully embracing this challenge may make you fall back in love with this unique profession (because it will be difficult). Ignoring it will almost definitely spell doom…it’s all moving too fast.

Again…you decide.

Discovery   Commitment   Solution   Action

Monday, May 16, 2011


The MODEL Approach

As the resident Estate Planning Specialist within one of the industries largest firms, I never knew who the retail broker might bring to our doorstep. Many times it was the client alone, at other times, it could be the client’s entire entourage.

The point was that I had to be prepared for most everything. I needed a track, standard or model that I could use repeatedly and consistently regardless of who the audience happened to be. With their substantial volume, it would have been impossible to constantly re-invent the wheel, or shoot from the hip.

Phrases like buy-in, permission marketing, value-added, accountability factor, positive negotiation, due diligence, suitability on and on…had to be considered in the design of our approach. The main goal was that whatever transpired we would all walk away with a “win-win” sentiment…a tall order.

The primary driver was to shift the paradigm from an atmosphere of selling (the standard transactional relationship) to one of decisioning (based more on mutual understanding and trust). The consensus was to be consistent in our delivery and explanation of how we operated, and to first get total agreement to our process before there were any mentions of product or service.

The MODEL steps in order:

1- Discovery (Due Diligence)
2- Commitment (Buy-In)
3- Solution (Suitability)
4- Action (Execution)

As each step was explained, we re-enforced that we would need agreement on each category or (from decisioning methodology) we had no right to proceed. So, it became clear that our communication relationship was built on trust and verification.

In other words, we built this introductory interview around a “win-win” theory from the start. And, with the considerable average net worth of each potential/established client, it was vital that we did not injure any prior relationships with their retail rep. This approach proved to be highly successful. I was in that position 10 years.

Take away from this experience?

What worked from these fast paced, high dollar and compliance charged meetings could work in most any other similar setting e.g. large firm, small agency or single operator.

Again, the goal is to establish your model, gain agreement to it one step at the time, and deliver it first in every single interview. Develop it to the point that no matter what the buying decision is…your process is seen as indisputable professionalism.

That’s a ‘win-win”…you decide.

Discovery   Commitment   Solution   Action

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

When is a Blog a Diary?

During his two terms as the 40th president of the United States, Ronald Reagan kept a diary where he recorded, by hand, his innermost thoughts and remarks on the extraordinary, historic and day-to-day events of his time in office.

The Reagan Diaries provide a striking insight into one of this nation's most important presidencies and sheds new light on the character of a true American leader. Whether he was in his White House residence, his study or aboard Air Force One, each night Reagan wrote about the events of his day. Often, that included his relationships with other world leaders like Mikhail Gorbachev, Pope John Paul II, Mohammar al-Qaddafi, and Margaret Thatcher. He also penned the remarkable events that defined that era…from his first inauguration to the end of the Cold War, and from the Iran hostage crisis to John Hinckley’s assassination attempt on his life.

Reagan's personal thoughts were kept in 8 X 11 inch maroon leather books. The president was disciplined in keeping them current. His writing style was clear and concise, sometimes using abbreviations. He often referred to Democrats as "Dems," for example.

“The diaries are amazingly composed, clear and chronological. They show a man, a chief executive, with an extraordinary degree of objectivity. There's very little vanity or self-importance in these diaries.

From a historical perspective, when Reagan took office, the Soviet Union was sensing the risk of war. By the time he left office, the threat of nuclear war was becoming a memory, as the Cold War was coming to an end.

Domestically, Reagan left a strong legacy. He led to a resurgent belief in the power of the individual, competition in business, and private initiative to solve domestic problems. Such successes were no accident; Reagan worked hard. His executive ability along with his tireless work habits are well defined throughout his diary.”

Various Diary Quotes:

Fri. March 13:

“The Rev. Jesse Jackson announces he's staging a march on Wash. Mon. demanding help for Atlanta in this 19 month tragedy of the murders of black children which has so far numbered 20 with 1 missing. Atlanta has a financial problem due to $100,000 a month overtime for police. What Jesse apparently doesn't know is that we've already given Atlanta about $1 mil. and have roughly 40 F.B.I. agents in there on the case. Today I went to the press briefing room and read a statement detailing this & then announced we were giving another $1 1/2 mil. & that V.P. G. Bush was going personally to Atlanta.”

Wed. Feb. 11:

“Intelligence reports say he Castro is very worried about me. I'm very worried that we can't come up with something to justify his worrying.”

Tues. Jan. 27:

“Ceremony on S. Lawn to welcome hostages home. Thousands of people in attendance. Met the familys earlier. Now we had in addition the familys of the 8 men who lost their lives in the rescue attempt. One couple lost their only son. His widow was also here. I've had a lump in my throat all day.”

ZDT Author’s Notes:

Of course, being the President of the U.S. grants a legitimacy and audience that few will ever enjoy as a writer or author. But, Reagan’s consistency, honesty, candid delivery, bravery and willingness to share with the world such insightful information and sensitive thought is unparalleled.

I would hope (personally) that his example with these diaries and entries will serve as a lofty standard for those of us who are attempting to share our stories (via blogs) on a world stage (WWW) with the hope that we can influence our audiences in some small but lasting fashion.

The question remains: “When is a Blog a Diary?

You decide.

Discovery   Commitment   Solution   Action

Monday, May 9, 2011

Thinker Toys

Radica gives the classic 20 Questions parlor game a high-tech twist. The palm-sized 20Q device will start asking questions that can be answered by pressing buttons that read "Unknown," "No," "Yes," or "Sometimes." By the 20th question, it will generally know your answer. The toy contains a database with thousands of target words. As you answer questions, it uses artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic and psychographic profiling to zero in on the word and, many times, a decision.

That's a scary measure of brainpower for a $10 toy.

“Handwriting Recognition, Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic and wireless gadgets are hot at the Toy Fair. They can recognize handwriting, receive wireless data from TV shows and read minds through artificial intelligence. “Kids live in a high tech world so, now their toys are going to be high-tech."

Fuzzy logic

Is a form of algebra employing a range of values from "true" to "false" that is used in decision-making with imprecise data, as in artificial intelligence systems.

It is logic based on the concept of fuzzy sets, in which membership is expressed in varying probabilities or degrees of truth — that is, as a continuum of values ranging from 0 (does not occur) to 1 (definitely occurs). As additional data is gathered, many fuzzy-logic systems are able to adjust the probability values assigned to different parameters. Because some such systems appear able to learn from their mistakes, they are often considered a form of artificial intelligence. Applications include expert systems, self-regulating industrial controls, and computerized speech- and handwriting-recognition programs.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the area of computer science focusing on creating machines that can engage in behaviors that humans consider intelligent. The dream of smart machines has become a reality. Researchers are creating systems which can mimic human thought, understand speech, and countless other feats never before possible. The military is applying AI logic to its hi-tech systems, and certainly in the near future, Artificial Intelligence will impact all our lives.

Psychographic Profiling

As a profiling marketing term; it is a combination of psychology and demographics that makes the marketing responses of those groups different from those of other groups. Understanding a group’s psychographic profile and its relationship to its neighbors is a critical component of high tech marketing.

ZDT Author’s Note:

Like all of the other RED FLAGS that are being floated out there to attract and influence the impressionable minds of our children…these devices need to be taken seriously and carefully monitored.

As always…you decide (this one is for the kids).

Friday, May 6, 2011

Subjective Decisioning: New Gadgets

More Gadgets That May Help You Make Decisions

What if you could have all of your questions and decisions answered for you?
What if you rest your brain, and turn over the thinking process to a decisioning gadget? It may be stimulating, but it can also be down right spooky. Technology can be fun, but there will come a point when... Here are a few: (Please note post and credits)

Answer Me Jesus and Answer Me Buddha: Anyone who has ever used a Magic 8-Ball knows that the answers you receive are extremely vague. The Answer Me Jesus and Answer Me Buddha are slightly different, and if you ask the right questions you just might receive some guidance.

What Would a Ninja Do? What Would Bacon Do? Take one of these folders to work and give the dial on the front a spin to find out what a ninja or a piece of bacon would do in your situation. Kicked or fried?

Weedja Board: It's like a traditional Ouija board except this one specializes in contacting stoners for guidance from beyond the grave: e.g. "Hey Uncle Jerry…What do you think…Doritos or Donuts?"

Electronic Rock, Paper, Scissors: Sure you could play a traditional game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, but you still have to decide on a strategy. This electronic version eliminates even that small bit of decision making by choosing your hand sign for you.

Magnetized Executive Decision Maker: Many of your toughest decisions are made at work. This little device can help you climb the corporate ladder virtually stress-free. Just give the pendulum a push and wait until it settles on an answer.

Dartboard Executive Decision Maker: If you want to have a little more fun with the decision making process, this clever dartboard version of the executive decision maker is a witty alternative.

The DeFIBulator: This handheld unit claims to separate the truth from the lies by measuring stress, tension, excitement and variations in a person's voice. If the device believes the person in question is lying, the horns and nose of the “Demonochio” character on the display will grow. It can even be hooked up to your cell phone so you can conduct covert interrogations. Rumor: The creative team may be developing a vibrating app.

iPhone Bonus: If you have an iPhone, there are a few apps out there that you can use to help make decisions on the go.

UrbanSpoon: With the UrbanSpoon app you can set a geographic location, genre and price point for a meal then give the phone a shake to find a place to eat. The process can be as random as you want it to be which is great for people looking to try new things.

Magic iBall Deluxe: There are a number of 8 Ball apps on the iPhone, but the best is undoubtedly the Magic iBall Deluxe. It's your basic 8-Ball experience, except this version allows you to switch between responses like classic, weird, Zen Positive and Negative. It also allows you to customize the style of the 8-Ball itself.

ZDT Author’s Note:
Please review our ZDT post dated February 12, 2010 “The Magic Eight Ball.”

In all, interesting gadgets…but hopefully, our younger (and older) generation will not take these seriously enough to substitute them for the real thing.

For the full article, references and credits:
Sean Fallon: Thank Giz It’s Friday!5031909/10-gadgets-that-help-you-get-answers-and-make-tough-decisions

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Election Effect

Are we stating the obvious? Maybe the better question is the “decisioning effect.”

In essence, a vote for anything is a decision. It is also a powerful responsibility because it not only affects our own life, but generally many others. Your one vote can essentially turn the tides of history (Search: “famous close elections by a single vote”).

We will have another pivotal election before we know it. The campaigning has already started. Several things are at stake, but there is one glaring issue that will override all the rest. It’s really not about parties any more. It is about ideology. So, connecting the vote (decision) to the event will mean that we will be deciding on competing ideologies, fundamentals and beliefs.

Many will call it politics…Scary.

The unknown issue in all of this is what will happen between then and now to try to recruit our decision. What will be our standard? What will we do to get ready for that decision?

Here’s where we could apply the four steps of the MODELTM System:

Discovery: We still have time to investigate, scrutinize, examine…in other words perform serious due diligence on the one’s we think we want to consider and decide upon. This is the area that generally separates the “herders” from the “discerners.” There really are no alternatives.

Commitment: This is the step that is vital, but is generally ignored or overlooked. But, what really needs to be committed to? Yes, the candidates at some level…but what about your own set of beliefs. Here is where you can commit to your own values and ideals. Then, if the candidate or issue does not match your own template…you still have the time to re-think it. Our individual commitment to this process is the differential. It may be our last hope. This will be a battle of ideals.

Solution: Look back, and see how you/we got here? Look back, and see what the trend has been? Look back, to see how you came into your own value system? Look back, and then look ahead.

Action: Simple. It’s now or never. Considering where we are headed, this may be our last free election, and with it could go our freedom to decide on any future ones, and maybe everything else. So, the actions we will take right now are absolutely critical.

Decide with this in mind: “Don’t let the polls, talking news-heads and politicians fool ya.”

Discovery   Commitment   Solution   Action

Monday, May 2, 2011

Should You Become an “Expert of Discernment?”

Taking Common Sense to a Higher Level

If not how…what?
If not you…who?
If not now…when?

Discernment is the “the act or process of exhibiting keen insight, prudent judgment and wise decisioning.”

Here we go. The political, partisan, and herd leaders are in full swing. For the next several months, we will be smothered with town halls, debates, interviews, ads, promotions… ad nauseam. The various candidates and promoters will be constantly in our face.

Are we stating the obvious? Maybe so, but look at all the trends and signs. Now, look at the effects/results of our past decisions. It’s hard to believe we are in this position and condition, and even harder to believe we would continue to fall for all of the same things, same lines and same people repeatedly. So, in deference to our general wisdom as a people…it continues to look like we all need help, direction and re-thinking.

We all need discernment.

From a Worldly Perspective:

As you search this subject you may well ask: Is discernment only reserved for spiritual applications? Everyone will have their own opinion about that, but by any other name, what is the substitute. And, where is the actionable example? The key for all of us is to be able to discern good from evil, truth from lies, real from false, authentic from fake, judgment from naivety, on and on.

Summarily, true discernment is much preferred over no or wrong discernment. It’s that simple.

From a Biblical Perspective:

"I, Wisdom, live together with good judgment. I know where to discover knowledge and discernment. Proverbs 8:12

In fact, it proved to be wise to even ask for wisdom:

1KI 3:9 "Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For, who is able to judge this great people of Yours (without discernment)?"

Wisdom, judgment, knowledge…discernment, all are interactive with each other. The opposite would be herd-minded, uninformed, uncalculating, simple-minded, gullible, thoughtless and clueless…to name a few.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could simply order up a healthy dose?

Or, what if we were born with great discernability? But, look at the two in the garden who started it all. They could have used way more discernment because their decision changed the course of the world as we know it.

So, it is a fact that discernment is specifically learned, adopted and taught rather than arbitrarily or passively absorbed.

No matter where you come down on the importance and application of this subject, it will not go away. And, the wisdom and discernment we will need to survive the future will be universal.

As always…you will decide.

Discovery    Commitment    Solution    Action

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Template of a Blog Post

Please judge the following blog template and our ZDT application in evaluating this growing decisioning dilemma:

*Q.T. What is the target audience's pain, predicament, or problem (discovery/due diligence)?

“Unbelievable, Confusing, Baseless, Repeatedly, Condescending, Immediacy, Untruthful, Cold Hearted, Threatening, Scare Tactics...”

Some or all of the above adjectives easily describe today’s car salesmen, news reporters, many TV ads/infomercials, politicians, and countless other “pitchers.” In all, it’s a constant barrage.

Knowing that you can’t stop the traffic, what is your filter? Where do you completely turn off? What is your limit? How do you decide?

*Q.T. What's different now? Answer in brief sentences or in a bulleted list that says what sets your product/service solution apart and will alleviate the pain, problem, or predicament.

As a starting point, adopt some or all of these (better yet…develop your own ‘hit list’):

Say No to:
-absolutes: (e.g.) guaranteed-never-ever-always-completely-forever-lifetime
-crooked math-assumptions-fictitious numbers-does not add up
-blatant bias (opposite of fair/balanced)
-bullying-talking over-total lies-intimidating tactics-twisting facts
-too good to be true-defiance of logic-no common sense-not reasonable
-those who are totally unqualified- no background-no experience-no knowledge- no authority-no prior success in their position

*Q.T. What should the audience do now? This gives your call to action, the part telling your audience exactly what you want them to do.

Make your computer (equipment neutral) a “Discovery Machine.” There is really no excuse, escape or reason of why we can’t qualify most anyone or anything at anytime.

*Q.T. Why hasn’t the problem been solved (the commitment level)?

It boils down to the time and focus you are willing to commit to. Considering the economic and other potential benefits…an excellent return on the effort.

Q. Has there ever been a more important time to become an “Expert of Discernment?”

P.S. This template can work in several applications…try it.

As always…you decide.

*Question Template

Discovery   Commitment   Solution   Action

Friday, April 22, 2011

Why We Don’t Buy Green Bananas

Decisioning at the Store and Beyond

At the grocery store, you can usually spot an elderly couple selectively picking through the banana section and bagging only those that are truly ripe and ready to eat.

Recent observation by one author:

“To help speed up their search, a store clerk asked if he could help a couple with their banana selection. The older gentlemen responded with: "Thanks, but we don't buy green bananas. When we were much younger we always thought that time was on our side, and we had the luxury of wasting it. Now that we're both in our later years, we view time as an entity that we must live in right now, savor every moment, be in the present to everyone and everything we encounter or choose…bananas are a good example of how perishable time is for us."

He further states:

“The hallmark of our society today is to be constantly busy and totally distracted. Busyness is often seen as an admirable trait, and it implies that you are very important. What would happen if we stopped using this tribute about ourselves? I'm not suggesting that you abandon long term plans and goals, but to stop for a few moments to fully live. Live and decide as if there is no time other than the present.”

Full article and credits:

In all, the “green banana” analogy can apply to several other areas of life and decisioning. Today, with the thought speed of emerging technologies, government interventions and other ominous influences…long term decisioning is like the banana. By the time it ripens; we may have either bought it too soon or waited too long. Ultimately, the result we wanted will not be there. Alternative: buy it today…eat it today.

So as a trigger, the next time you are in the store and you see the banana display (especially the green ones), please use it as a reminder that none of us know how much time we have. Let’s challenge each other to make every decision count every hour of every day.

As always…you decide.

Discovery    Commitment    Solutions    Action

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ten Common Mistakes in Decisioning

10. Not taking the required time: Often, decisions are made impulsively, under times of stress, and when the adrenaline is peaking…that is not the best time to make any decision, big or small (unless it is an emergency). Remember the MODELTM System. The largest block of time is devoted to the first step.

9. No authentic commitment. Once the decision is made, the best decision makers stick with it with their full energy and concentration. To make a decision, and then not follow through with it is the worst possible decision.

8. It is vital to deal in the truth. Often, decisions will get made to please others or to avoid something where the result is disappointment. Employing the SWOT analysis (a proven decisioning devise) can help in being ruthless with the truth.

7. In certain decisioning dilemmas, there are times to just “say no.” Some still think they need to be all things to all people. Realistically in decisioning, that is not actually possible.

6. It is easy to get stymied by procrastination. Often, decisioning hits a road block, and it gets postponed. By failing to make a decision, you have categorically made one. No decision becomes the decision. This decision falls in the infamous category of “I want to think about it” which can last forever?

5. Relying on exclusively subjective sources (e.g. Astrology, Chance, Farmers Almanac, Superstition, Cultural, Man-Made Beliefs, etc…) where the list can be endless and the product can be totally vague. Maybe fine for entertainment, but not for life issues.

4. Overconfidence in one's own judgment leads to failing to collect, ignoring, or simply refusing to accept factual and due diligence information that conflicts with your own opinions or assumptions. This results in a narrow path to decisioning.

3. Demanding dictatorship in decision making is equivalent to "I know all the answers." No matter what is said here, chances are, it will not be received in the right spirit.

2. Shooting from the hip ("winging it") is often the result of trying to keep too much information in your head (so the decision is forced out) instead of using a methodical, objective and systematic process of evaluation and decisioning.

1. Not owning or employing an objective and proven model, system or formula for decisioning. This one area alone can make or break the decisioning process. Please consider the MODELTM System as a reliable, simple and proven alternative to total subjectivity?

ZDT Author’s Note:

Add and/or subtract from this list with your own experiences…
Here are a couple of extras:

Value Other’s Expertise:
Build a team of others whose opinion you can seek for its capacity for honesty and expertise. Re: See ZDT blog post: “Your Virtual Dream Team”

Let Others Decide:
To create time for yourself, free others to make decisions at their own level. You do not want to be in control of everything. This is one of the biggest wasters of time for many managers and others. But, you want them to decide with the right process…Give them the book: Zillion Dollar Thinking TM.

As always…you decide.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Herd versus Herd Decisioning

Herd Mentality/Herd Thinking definitions:

Herd mentality describes how people are influenced to adopt certain behaviors, follow trends, and/or purchase items. Examples of the herd mentality include the early adopters of high technology products such as smart phones and i-gadgets, as well as stock market trends, fashions in apparel, cars, home décor, etc. Social psychologists tie this to the related topics of group intelligence, crowd mentality and decentralized decision making.

People in these herds are broken up into two groups, explains Friedrich Nietzsche, a philosopher who coined the phrase. One lent itself to the religious points of views- their beliefs and how those dictated their actions- while the other lent itself to influence by the media- more liberal and based upon what others perceive as 'right' (following trends, social norms, etc.).


The term herd mentality is derived from the word "herd", generally referring to a group (e.g. animals), and "mentality", implying a certain frame of mind. However the most succinct human definition would be: “how large numbers of people act in the same ways at the same times.”

Herd behavior is distinguished from herd mentality because it applies to all animals, whereas the term mentality implies a uniquely human phenomenon. Herd mentality implies a fear-based reaction to peer pressure which makes individuals act in order to avoid feeling left behind from the group. Herd mentality is also a part of "mob mentality."

Because of the vast and commanding influence of instant information, sentiment and segmentation, we have fallen into a “herd versus herd” society in America.

From a herd POV, we have Organized labor vs. Management vs. Government…Democrats vs. Republicans vs. Independents…Denomination vs. Denomination...Race vs. Race…on and on. In essence, we live in an increasingly polarized country in almost every area.

The common dominator among these masses is often herd mentality which is never the most thoughtful direction. In this case, calculated, purposeful and wise decisioning would be just the opposite.

Often today, it boils down to who can shout down, out craft and/or intimidate the opposing party. And, as the seasons or policy issues get closer to a show down (e.g. elections/decisions), the conflicts seem to get louder and more physical. Who is feeding this phenomenon, and where is this headed?

By now, it has to be abundantly clear that anyone or any group that is fueling this movement does not have or want your individual thought or critique expressed or attached to their own agenda. That is not what herds are supposed to do. They are amassed to get in line and follow in lock step to wherever the anointed one or the groups tell them to go…without question.

So, if the herd answer you are looking for is: “Just tell me what to do?” (always the easiest direction). If that is you, then I’ll be glad to tell you what to do:
Don’t fall for this continuing trap. Don’t automatically consent. Don’t give up or into a weakened state of vulnerability. These are exactly the conditions where herd mentality thrives, and why herd-masters do not want them spotlighted or even considered as a brand of (not) thinking. That would be counterintuitive to their ultimate purpose. And, you can see how technology and the connectivity of social and industrial sites are the perfect instruments to fuel this phenomenon even more dramatically.

Here’s the deal, we are in the throws of one of the most freedom threatening economic, political and spiritual environments known to man. If there were ever a time to not fall prey to “herds,” it is now.

You decide…please.

Biblical Herding Note:
“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6