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Saturday, November 19, 2011

The One Thing You Must Do To Guarantee Success

That one thing is: To make a decision.

“Decide right now that you are going to be a highly-paid freelancer and you are going to succeed at your freelance business, no matter what.

Eliminate the thinking that tells you, “I’ll give this a try and see what happens.” Or “I’ll give this a test drive for six months.”

Why? If you haven’t made the decision to succeed at all costs, it’s too easy to quit whenever you hit a “speed bump.” And for some, that bump doesn’t have to be a big one.

Rejection from a prospect, criticism about your writer’s life dream from a family member or friend, or not making as much money as you’d hoped in your first year…all can support your “I’ll give it a try” thinking that says, “this must not be working out, time to quit.”

However, once you’ve firmly decided you are going to live the writer’s life, no matter what, those setbacks become mere hiccups that slow you down from time to time. But, they never stop you, not even for a minute.

Frederick Speakman, a well-known author of illustrated guides to English forests who was a pioneer in childhood environmental education said, "Decisions determine destiny."

So, if you want to guarantee your writer’s life destiny, take a minute today and decide you WILL be a wealthy freelancer, no matter what.

Don’t be like my friend who hasn’t committed to what she’s doing and continues to bounce around like a rubber ball…hoping something will “stick.” You can succeed, if you’ll just decide.”

By Cindy Cyr
For full article and credits:

ZDT author’s comments: This is a very brief, yet efficient, post. Two things:

One: No matter what your goal is, it always comes back to the decision and the determination to make it.

Two: The target here is freelance writing, but why can’t this be applied to most any endeavor or occupation?

Again, our fundamental mission (at Zillion Dollar Thinking) is to consistently present the importance of decisioning in your daily walk and to continue to provide motivations, remedies and solutions in your journey.

As always…you decide.

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