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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Show Them How You Think and Decide

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen has sold millions for over a hundred years. It is a short and efficient book with a timeless message. The adage, *As a man thinketh in his heart so is he, not only embraces the whole of a person’s being, but it also reaches out to every condition and circumstance of a person’s life.

He further states that a person literally becomes what they think about, and their character becomes the complete sum of all their thoughts [decisions].

With that as the premise, what would be the benefit to your clientele, friends and family to know how you think and decide (especially about them and their problems)?

The benefits:

They will see how important decisioning has become in your life and that it is a part of your character (a reinforcement of the above book and our human condition).

They will realize you have a concrete path that you can rely on in making important decisions for yourself (or for them).

They will see that you have a built-in accountability step in your process that creates transparency (you cannot have too much accountability).

They can see how you are able to separate levels and hierarchies of decisions and can direct valuable time more efficiently to the important issues of life decisioning.

They can see that you are in a very unique (USP) and exclusive category as a bright example of critical thinking and deciding.

Note: You can add to this list from your own experiences.

Of course, there are a zillion factors to consider in developing your own path. But again, if you boil it down to the minimums, you will need a transparent system, standard or model that is transferable to others. The keys to transferability will be making it simple, memorable and repeatable.

We would welcome your feedback and any results that you are willing to share.

* Proverbs 23: 7

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