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Monday, August 23, 2010

Decisioning Commitment Calculator

Questions for “Getting Unstuck”
In many decisioning situations, we get stuck at the elusive level of commitment. If your current decisioning formula does not include a commitment step, you may want to try this as a test remedy. Just think, if there is no real commitment in your decisioning process, how likely is it that the final decision will be acted on?

Calculator Scale 1-10 (Least Likely = 1  Most Likely = 10)

1. To what degree have I correctly identified the commitment needed in the opportunity to pursue, problem to be solved or challenge to overcome? (1-10)

2. To what degree have I ever committed in a similar decision before? (1-10)

3. To what degree do I trust myself to see this through to completion? (1-10)

4. To what degree will I have the ability to “stay in control” of this situation
(over the influence of other sources)? (1-10)

5. To what level do I have the (First Responders) “no matter what it takes
attitude” in this commitment? (1-10)

6. Do I have a record of “giving up” (1) or “hanging tough” (10)
in any similar or past situations?

7. If I commit, to what degree do I have the wisdom (and any counsel
in place) to abort this decision if “warning signs” dictate ? (1-10)

8. What level of “accountability” have I built into this decisioning
step? (1-10)

9. Are there any written statements surrounding this commitment process?
No (1) Yes (10)

10. To what degree is there any monitory or other loss to me as a consequence
of not following up on this commitment? (1-10)

Total Score: ____________

Please apply the total score to the calculator (tomorrow’s post). It may well give you an extra measure of objectivity that may have been missing. Worth a test?

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