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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Universality Thinking (AKA) Herd Mentality

So, is there anything else we might use as an alternative mechanism that could relieve the pressure and weight of serious decision making?

Apple estimated that they would sell 10,000,000 iPhones in their first year of introduction. That is just a glimpse of the immense size of the mobile hardware market and the growing demand for portable devices (UDC) that can contribute to herd thinking.

Today, MySpace, Friendster, uTube, Linkedin, TradeKing, Zecco, etc. are  social networking sites. Originally designed as chat rooms, they can act as a platform for someone or some organization to promote their views, and for you to hopefully agree without too much thought applied. In many cases, they are attempting to influence your decisions…via herd mentality.

Through WiFi and enhanced broadband networks, TV, the Internet and other  venues, information comes to the palm of our hands on a 24/7 basis. Beyond the convenience is the danger that these delivery systems can and will attempt to do our thinking and deciding for us. If we are the least bit prone to “herd mentality” (def: simply following the crowd), these developments are only going to feed that habit.

Today, when someone wants to influence your thinking (or your vote), this medium is perfect (for them) and it’s being generated to the tune of 100,000,000+ downloads every day.

Simply put, there are, and will continue to be, a zillion distractions to objective decision making. This blog was created to encourage and help provide alternatives to auto responses e.g. herd thinking.

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