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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Learning: Which is More Important...

The ability to add and subtract, or to think and decide?


This should be an obvious answer, but let's consider how this has evolved in our educational and developmental history. The base line has traditionally been: “Readin'...Writin'...Rithmetic?” In an isolated state, that should serve us well.

But, how the times do change.


The question is not an either/or, but one of (equivalent) emphasis and priority. In review, there is no question that reading/writing/math has been fundamental to learning. But in comparison, there has been little to no emphasis on the fundamentals of sound decisioning and critical thinking.


You had all the digital tools/apps/hardware but no direction as to how to execute them?

You were faced with a life/death issue with no techniques for making a vital decision?

You had a genius IQ, but you seldom applied critical thinking to decision making?


Many of us were raised without a computer or a calculator. We had a pencil and eraser. We manually learned how to add/subtract/multiply/divide. We still know how to use that pencil if the power goes out. But, our kids were typically raised in some phase of the electronic/digital era. Many would struggle if we handed them nothing but a pencil. All said, technology has robbed us and prior generations of certain practical abilities.


We hear various mantras about our educational system today (much of it is politicized). Many of them point to the “dumbing down” of our curriculum studies.

The question going forward is do we need more mechanical education or more critical thinking and decisioning? While this may seem a simplistic response to a growing dilemma, it is really central to this issue. What good will it do to continue to exponentially pile on techniques (through technology) and continue to miss or avoid learning the decisioning side?

What will continue to be needed is the ability to think, decide and execute using a solid template, process or model that is learned at an early age and transferable/applicable to every succeeding stage in life. Considering the mounting evidence of disastrous decisioning results at the highest levels in our society, can you think of a more important priority?

As decide.

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