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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What Happens When You Avoid Making Decisions?

Author: Jacqueline Pigdon | Posted in Society

When you have a decision to make and don’t make it you are making a decision in itself…to put it off! Delaying decisions often puts you at risk of someone or something else making the decision for you. When you’re the decision maker and say leader of your corporate company or executive team and you are not making the decision then to put it simply you’re not doing your job.

The thing is once you have decided not to make a decision then it can become too late for you to decide. Usually when this happens it’s not the decision that you really wanted and you’re at a loss sometimes a very big loss. Then blame usually comes in that it wasn’t your fault or your choice and many people do this so they can’t be blamed for making the decision in case it turns out to be the wrong one.

But then the question is; who is directing and taking responsibility for your decisions both at work and in your personal life…you or everyone and everything else? We all make zillions of decisions everyday, at home and work, when out shopping etc. and just one of them could be the difference between happiness and unhappiness, success and failure, life and death…

People often think that their choices and thus decisions in life don’t really matter but where you are today is the direct result of all the decisions you have made to date. When you actually start making decisions you start to feel much more in control of your life, not so stressed about making decisions and it enables you to move forwards with speed and momentum compared to staying still wondering which way you should or shouldn’t go and thus often allowing life to pass you by or following decisions other people have made for you.

So don’t delay a minute longer! Here are 10 Top Tips to help you make the decisions you need to be making:

1. Sometimes you have to think on your feet so be prepared look ahead to what decisions may arise in the future. Doing this in a relaxed and clear state of mind can help a lot for when in the moment you can be negatively influenced or become stressed that you have to make it right now and then have no idea on what the right decision is.

2. Work out the pro’s and con’s of each outcome, get advice if and when you need it.

3. Ask yourself if I don’t make a decision now what could that result in? Regret that you didn’t take action when you could have? Or happy that you thought about it decided for yourself?

4. You may have already decided but have you acted upon that decision? For without action what good is the decision in itself?

5. Get advice from only trusted sources who have the same values and beliefs as you do. Don’t fall victim to asking absolutely everyone or someone who you don’t like the decisions they make for themselves.

6. Don’t make rash decisions especially if you have in the past and they’ve always failed. Look at your history when, how and what made you make your best and worst decisions in your life?

7. Ask yourself why are you REALLY putting off making a decision?

8. If you’ve made the wrong decision first acknowledge that you have for if you don’t you’ll just keep making the same ones. Quickly do what ever you can to rectify it.

9. Listen to your instinct, if you find you are telling yourself all the reasons why it won’t work out this can often be driven by fear. In comparison having to convince and justify why you should, could result in the wrong decision that you look back and ‘knew’ deep down it was wrong.

10. Remember sometimes the decision itself isn’t as important than actually just making one.

For more information contact Jacqueline Pigdon T: +61 (0) 404 362 379 E:

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