Doubling down, by it’s nature, can be a stubborn and obstinate position to embrace. So, why do many adopt this offensive / defensive stance?
Discovery Questions:
Why does anyone adopt this position?
What does it really mean?
Is this a wise leadership strategy?
Is this position driven by a deeper fundamental agenda?
Is this a form of gambling?
Is a tattoo a symbolic form of this?
Some questions are answerable and definable…some are not. I believe that the last question is a clue. As an object lesson, a tattoo makes a statement, is permanent and basically irreversible. So if someone goes to that length, they are decisioning irreversibly…doubling down.
Conversely, if your conclusion makes you uneasy to the point of second guessing, there is a good chance that the “doubling up” of more due diligence, discovery, research and/or data mining is yet to be completed.
Commitment Question:
If you adopted a double down decision, would you be willing to tattoo it on your body as a sign of unmovable commitment?
Solution Question:
If you realize that you are not as committed as necessary, will you be lead to more due diligence, discovery and research (positive) or remain simply stonewalled (negative) before you pick your tatt artist?
Action Question
Is your thorny position still flexible enough to change your mind, thoughts or decision after serious consideration or ligament argument?
There is a cost either way
Some knowledge based articles quote that “a small tattoo, like a name, will cost between $300 and $400 per session, while something larger and more intricate can cost up to $1,000 per session," says notable Dr. Izikson. Multiply that by the number of sessions you’ll need and you could be spending $1,800 to $12,000 or more for removal.
Oh yeah…It also hurts a lot…
“Inking out hurts way more than inking in.”
“Of course, everyone’s pain tolerance is different, but “without lidocaine injections prior to treatment, laser treatments really hurt,” says Anne Chapas, a dermatologist and the medical director of Union Square Laser Dermatology in New York City.
Yes we are getting personal here, but it’s important to stress the potential consequences of obstinate doubling down. Like tattoos, the decision of undoing hurts way more. The attached article goes further to estimate the Millions that would like to reverse their decision of immortalizing their tatt…
The objective in all of this is that we see constantly where politicians, industrial leaders, media moguls and others double down on issues and positions with little thought as to permanency, legacy or irreversibility, and with the doubling up side hardly ever considered.
Last question…just because someone takes the double down route, do we have to automatically adopt their position or should we challenge it (would a decisioning MODEL be helpful) ?
As always…you decide.